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Every Day Is Earth Day 2024

Thanks to the impact you and our other 1 million + partners with the planet have made, this is what we are doing to celebrate

Enjoy the planet you’re helping preserve

We are taking ten winning customers (and a guest each) on an unforgettable adventure. Filled with bucket-list experiences, the trip features meaningful service projects that will leave you and the local community changed forever.

Your impact keeps growing

We are planting 1,500,000 trees in 2024, and one will be planted for you as a customer. An additional tree will be planted for each customer who enrolls in paperless and autopay as a thank you for being environmentally friendly.

Where are we planting trees? Watch our social to vote on planting sites

Mangrove reforestation Kenya, Africa

Restoring the mangrove estuary, which is rich in biodiversity, providing sustainable fishing grounds for the community and acting as a vital line of defense during tropical storms.

Ocean kelp reforestation British Columbia, Canada

Kelp play a crucial role in supporting our ocean's vibrancy and biodiversity. These underwater forests provide a habitat for a diverse community of species, which are reliant on kelp as a source of food & shelter.

Regenerative agroforestry Haiti

Agroforestry is the integration of trees alongside crops, offering shade, water retention and natural barriers. This is a transformative practice to boost productivity and nurture ecological balance.

15,000 hours serving

Last year Sunrun employees logged 10,000 hours serving our communities across the country. This year we have a goal to contribute 15,000 service hours as we work toward our company goal of 100,000 employee volunteer hours by 2030. We love people.