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How Much Do Solar Panels Cost in 2024?

Thanks to advancing technology, the solar panel cost for your home keeps going down. With residential solar costs at an all-time low, you may be surprised by how easy it is to go solar.

How much do solar panels cost in 2024?

Over the last ten years, the cost of installing solar panels has decreased by over 40%, fueling growth across new markets and deploying thousands of systems across the country. The upfront price for an average-sized residential solar system has fallen from $40,000 in 2010 to about $25,000 today. Meanwhile, utility-scale solar now costs between $16/MWh and $35/MWh, making it competitive with all other types of energy generation.

While the cost to install solar panels on your home may fluctuate, leasing solar panels through the Sunrun Subscription Plan allows you to take advantage of customized clean energy, resilient backup power, and predictable rates with an affordable monthly plan for as little as $0 down.

From solar panel installation and maintenance to hardware costs and alternate financing options, let’s dive into the cost of solar panels:

The true cost of solar panels

The average cost of residential solar keeps falling. Solar panels are rapidly spreading on rooftops across the country, and that influx is affecting how much solar panels cost. As the solar cost continues to fall, it’s no surprise that more and more homeowners are putting solar panels on their homes. Today’s residential solar panels are more affordable than ever and feature technological advances that maximize power production and keep up with modern living.

While the exact price will vary based on location, the size and scope of your installation, and available tax credits and rebates, homeowners can expect a range that makes renewable energy an attainable investment for a sustainable future. This move can reduce your carbon footprint and may decrease your electricity bills over time, making solar panels a smart, eco-friendly choice for energy independence.

How much does the average solar system cost?

8 factors influencing solar energy system costs

Various factors come into play when considering the cost of installing solar panels, shaping the overall expense of transitioning to solar energy. Let's delve into these aspects:

1. Solar system size

The size of your solar energy system is determined by factors such as your energy consumption, the roof's sunlight exposure, and the efficiency of solar panels. Typically favored by homeowners, monocrystalline solar panels stand out as the preferred option due to their superior efficiency and aesthetics. Consequently, the total expense of your solar system hinges on the wattage required to sustain your household's energy needs and plan for any future increases in electricity consumption.

2. Cost vs. savings 

Several elements, including regional sunlight exposure, electricity rates, energy consumption, and available rebates and incentives, influence the potential savings from installing solar panels. When you partner with Sunrun for a Subscription Plan our experienced Solar Advisors can handle all aspects of your home solar system installation, from paperwork to permits to ensure your system is fully customized to your unique energy needs. 

3. Solar panel installation 

Installation costs encompass various components, as outlined by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL):


Cost Breakdown


$0.30 per watt







Structural BOS


Electrical BOS

$0.19–$0.27/Wdc (Varies by inverter option)

Sales Tax

Sales tax varies by location; the weighted national average is 5.1%


$19.74–$38.96 per hour (Varies by location and inverter option)


$12.88–$25.57 per hour (Varies by location and inverter option)

Burden Rates

(% of direct labor) Total nationwide average: 41.7%


*Figures based on the average 6.2-kilowatt residential solar system.

**Wdc: Watts direct current

4. Solar panel maintenance and repairs 

Solar panel maintenance ranges from routine cleaning to major repairs. On average, households pay $150 for one solar panel cleaning. Solar panel cleaning companies charge between $3 and $10 per solar panel based on roof slant, home height, and system size. Some solar installers charge a flat fee for a system cleaning. If your system is cleaned professionally twice a year, as recommended, you can expect an annual bill of about $300.

If your system is damaged, you may incur additional expenses. Repairs to your system will include the prices of equipment and labor. Labor is typically priced at $100 per hour. Materials for solar repairs could be as little as $180 but may also be greater than $1,000. Your combined total bill may range from $200 to $3,000.

The four most common types of damage to a home solar system and the costs of repairs area:


Cost Breakdown

Sunrun Subscription Plan Cost

Cracked panel



Wiring damage



Replacement inverter



Circuit breaker tips



A replacement inverter is the most common repair, and this is a planned maintenance item every 10-13 years. Like cleaning costs, the amount you pay for repairs is affected by roof steepness, system type, and system size. And if your solar panels have extensive damage, it may be cheaper to replace them.

When you own your system, you are responsible for the cost of maintenance and repairs. Your warranty should cover specific system failures; contact your installer before you begin repairs. You save thousands of dollars in maintenance and repairs when you lease your solar panels through the Sunrun Subscription Plan. You simply pay for the power, and we take care of the rest. Our comprehensive service package features the Sunrun Guarantee, which includes best-in-class monitoring, free equipment replacement, system repairs, including parts and labor, and routine maintenance.

If you’re set on buying your own home solar system, you can also purchase our full-service package, Protection Plus. While the system is yours, we’ll give you the same comprehensive support that comes with our Sunrun Guarantee.

5. Solar panel manufacturers

Partnering with leading manufacturers can ensure quality and performance. Skip ahead to factor #7 to read more about hardware options. Each option has a different benefit that influences the cost.

6. Geographical location

Solar panel costs vary across states, with factors like local incentives and sunlight exposure playing a significant role. For instance, Florida has lower installation costs compared to Rhode Island, despite both having different average costs.

Just because a residential solar system costs more in a given state doesn’t mean it’s any less cost effective. Local incentives can make a huge dent in solar panel installation costs even in the most expensive states.

7. Hardware options

Different types of solar panels (monocrystalline, polycrystalline, thin-film) come with varying costs and efficiencies. Monocrystalline panels, though pricier, offer higher efficiency and longer warranties compared to polycrystalline and thin-film options.

The three most common kinds of solar panels are monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin film. Learn more about different types of solar panels

The type of panels you choose will factor into the system's price. But remember that if you decide to lease, you’ll pay for the power rather than the solar panels. The cost of solar will come down to the amount of solar power you’re projected to use under your lease agreement.

8. Solar Panel Incentives

Federal and local incentives, such as tax credits and rebates, can significantly reduce the upfront costs of installing solar panels, making the transition to solar energy more financially viable.

  • Federal solar tax credits: In 2022, Congress enacted the Inflation Reduction Act, introducing substantial modifications to the solar tax credit landscape. Among the key changes was an extension of the credit's availability until 2035, accompanied by a boost in the credit percentage from 22% to 30% until 2032. Individuals who install solar panels in 2022 but have yet to claim the credit can now qualify for the increased 30% credit amount. Homeowners who lease and install solar panels with Sunrun Subscription Plan qualify for tax credits; Sunrun handles all the paperwork and passes the savings on to you through our low monthly rate.

  • Local solar incentives: States may offer additional incentives, including tax credits and rebates, further lowering the overall cost of going solar. Learn more about solar in your state.

Understanding the various factors influencing solar energy system costs is crucial for making informed decisions about transitioning to renewable energy sources.

Why Install Solar Panels with Sunrun

Every home is different, and your electricity demands are unique. Our experts are here to help you. Sunrun designs, installs, finances, insures, monitors, and maintains home solar systems, while families receive predictable pricing for 25 years or more. As the nation’s largest residential solar, battery storage, and energy services company, we provide families with industry-leading services, products, and financing options to meet different peoples’ needs. Our solar leases offer the financial value and flexibility you deserve.


Solar Industry Research Data- SEIA 

U.S. Solar Photovoltaic System with Energy Storage Cost- NREL

Solar Installed System Cost Analysis- NREL

Homeowner’s Guide to the Federal Tax Credit for Solar Photovoltaic

Homeowner’s Guide to the Federal Tax Credit for Solar Photovoltaics 2-

Solar Panel Maintenance- Home Advisor

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Cost of solar FAQs

Get a free quote from the team of experts at Sunrun to understand the total cost of a solar system for your home. In addition to size and other factors, your bottom line will be determined by maintenance costs, tax credits, and other incentives. Your potential net savings will vary by region and the amount of electricity you use.

Solar panels need to be maintained over time. This includes periodic cleaning and repairs. It is recommended that solar panels be cleaned twice annually at an average cost of $150 per cleaning. Any necessary repairs will add to the cost. The combined costs of equipment and labor can range from $200 to as much as $3,000.11

When you own your system, you are responsible for the cost of maintenance and repairs. Alternatively, a Sunrun solar lease lets you only pay only for the power. We handle the maintenance ourselves, so you don’t have to worry about it.

Tax credits and other incentives can help reduce your costs by thousands of dollars. The federal solar tax credit is one of the best solar incentives out there. Many states offer additional incentives that allow you to deduct a portion of your system’s cost from your state tax bill, similar to the federal solar tax credit. Solar rebates are also available in some states.

Consult with a tax professional to understand the credits you’re eligible for. With Sunrun, you can also set it and forget it when you lock in 25 years of affordable solar power with just one upfront payment. From paperwork to solar panel installation to maintenance, we take care of the rest.

Once we have finalized your system design and have all of the necessary approvals, it will be time to install the solar panels on your roof.

Our local installation crews are experienced and efficient. A lot of times, they can complete solar panel installations in one day. Here's what a typical installation day looks like:

Step 1 - Crew arrival and preparation

We introduce ourselves and map out where we’ll be working and parking our vehicles.

Step 2 - Review solar panel system design and equipment location

Your foreman will review the plans with you and confirm the equipment and where it will go.

Step 3 - Solar panels & system installation

The crew will install the solar panels and wiring on your roof, while the foreman installs your inverter and other electrical equipment.

Step 4 - Crew clean up

We clean up as construction winds down to make sure we leave your property exactly as we found it.

Step 5 - Final walk-through

Once installation is complete, your foreman will explain how your new home solar system works and how to power it on.

All homeowners associations (HOAs) are different. It’s a good idea to reach out to your HOA to find out about their approval process. Let your project coordinator know, and they’ll take care of as much of the paperwork as possible.

Leasing and buying solar panels come with their unique advantages.

Purchasing solar will require upfront investment which can make it cost-prohibitive for many. That’s why Sunrun offers stress-free solar leasing through the Sunrun Subscription Plan so you can switch to solar for as little as $0 down. Along with reliable monthly payments, since Sunrun owns the system when it is leased, we’ll also provide top-notch monitoring and maintenance free of charge during the length of your agreement. That means clean, worry-free energy. And if it breaks, we’ll fix it.

We also know that many people want to own their equipment which is why Sunrun also gives you the option to buy your solar panels. When you own your solar system, you own your production and all the benefits that come with solar investment. That means solar incentives like state solar rebates and the federal solar tax credit may go directly to you. However, you’ll be responsible for any repairs and maintenance your solar system needs outside the scope of your solar system’s warranty.