Battery Technology Is Changing the Way We Store and Use Energy
Sunrun Team
· 3Batteries are no longer just the things we put in remote controls. They are the solution to our many energy challenges.
Benjamin Franklin originally coined the term “battery”, using it to describe an array of charged glass in 1748. Later, in 1802, an English chemist by the name of William Cruickshank developed the first battery that could be used from mass production. And in 1896, the National Carbon Company, more commonly known as Eveready Battery Company, created the first battery for commercial use.
Today, more and more consumers are utilizing batteries that store large amounts of energy to provide power to their homes and vehicles, such as home solar batteries. These systems are increasing in popularity because their energy comes from renewable sources that reduce their carbon footprint while simultaneously providing greater control and peace of mind.
What Are Solar Batteries?
Simply put, solar batteries are storage units for solar energy. During the day, excess energy generated by solar panels is stored in the battery. Depending on where you live, you can use the excess energy to offset peak utility rates and/or serve as backup power in case of power outages. Solar battery storage puts value and control back into the hands of consumers
Why Get A Solar Battery For Your Home?
On the surface, a solar battery is pretty self-explanatory — you get to produce, use, and store your own energy every day. They allow homeowners to store excess solar energy to offset peak energy rates, handing you control over energy bills and saving money.
Another critical function of home solar batteries is providing backup electricity during power outages. As extreme weather events increase in the face of climate change, solar batteries are more important than ever. Severe weather is the leading cause of power outages in the United States, accounting for 87% of outages according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.
Sunrun Brightbox™
As a part of this rising need for backup energy storage and the cost control advantages home batteries offer, Sunrun is proud to offer a solar battery service for the home to new solar customers in Arizona, California, Hawaii, and New York with Brightbox. Connecting to rooftop solar panels, Brightbox provides clean and affordable energy day and night. Like any solar battery, it stores power produced by your solar panels during the day. What makes Brightbox unique is how it automatically provides power to your home when time of use (TOU) rates are in effect. This ensures that you can optimize your energy savings when local electricity rates are most expensive.
Brightbox also offers reliable energy during power outages, providing peace of mind during a time when power outages in America are at an all-time high. And, with electricity rates rising year-to-year, we can’t think of a better way to use technology to your advantage while still enjoying the power of solar.
Here at Sunrun, it’s an exciting time in the solar energy industry as homeowners become increasingly interested in clean, affordable energy and the independence that comes with using backup power and solar energy battery systems like Brightbox.
If you’re interested in learning more about Brightbox, click here.
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